UNESCO Romanian Heritage

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Why am I proud of Romania?

Because Romania means places (history, nature) and people (of the past and present)

41 localities and regions in Romania, with sites acknowledged in the world heritage:

  • 17 churches and monasteries
  • 7 villages with fortified churches in Transylvania
  • 6 Dacian citadels
  • A medieval city center
  • A river delta
  • 9 century-old virgin beech forests in the Carpațhians
  • 7 valuable, long-standing, genuine customs

You must learn about them! 



Dacian citadels from the Orastie Mountains

Villages with fortified churches from Transylvania

Hurezi Monastery

Churches painted outdoors from Bucovina

The historical center of Sighisoara

Wooden churches from Maramures



Men go caroling

“Doina” folk song

The craft of Horezu pottery

Lad’s dance from Ticus

Traditional wall-carpet craftsmanship

Cultural practices associated with March 1


Danube Delta – Biosphere Reserve

The century-old virgin beech forests of the Carpathians